Monday, May 27, 2013

Aaand...she's back!

Hello, friends!

I've decided to start blogging again. It's been a few weeks. I took a break to move my blogging to a password protected site, for security reasons with little O. However, I never kept up with it and I miss blogging. So, I've decided to come back to the ol' abitofeverythingbutrimas! I took a look back over my pregnancy via this blog and realized what a great thing this is going to be for Olivia one day. I didn't purchase a baby book for her, which I still really should, but I think this is going to be more special since it will cover day-to-day action of her life with my raw emotion included. So, welcome back friends, I've missed you!

Well, I have already started two posts  but I spent all my time reformatting. So stay tuned for..."Feeding the Baby" and "Happy 6 Months, My Sweet Love".


1 comment:

  1. Yea!!! So glad you're back! You've inspired me to start blogging. I've been stuck on a name for months though :(. Let's just say it's still under construction!
