Wednesday, February 19, 2014

I want more.

It's 8 o'clock on Tuesday night. The TV program you're watching is on a commercial break so you are on your phone checking Facebook and Instagram. Do you ever stop, look around, and wonder "what else"? I do this pretty often, it turns out. I will usually put away my phone and clean the kitchen or read a magazine instead. You can only do those things so many times before it's time for a real change. I've known for a little while now that I want to re-do my house (if you can call never really decorating "re-doing") and to re-do my body, aka get in shape. I'm starting to put together some plans and make 2014 the year of action. I have ideas often and never completely follow them through. I have to start finishing projects. I have to start setting habits that I want my daughter to imitate. The time is now. Coincidently, 2014 just started. The New Year makes things more motivating for some reason.

The House Plan
I am going to list every room in my house and what I want to change about them. Ideally I would like to do a room a month but time and finances are both issues that prevent that. So, maybe one piece of a room per month. As I tackle each room I will post before, progress, and finished photos so you can follow along. Hopefully you will be inspired too. Do you have someone that inspires you to do these things? I love coming home after spending time with her and feeling that inspiration to make my home better.

The Body Plan
Have you heard of Natalie Hodson? Two weeks ago I would have also said no. I found her through a Facebook post that my friend "liked". She is super inspiring to me. My goals are her goals. I want to be fit, I want to eat clean, I want toned muscles, and I want it to LAST. I want the lifestyle change. I don't want to keep going back and forth. I never really gain-lose-gain-lose a lot of weight, but I do go gung ho on something and then quit. As I said earlier, I'm done with that stuff. I want my life to be inspired. I want more for me.
The body plan has already started with the nutrition piece. We have the grocery bill to prove it. We started eating organic meat, fruits, and veggies when Livy started eating solids. We do not want to feed her the chemicals, hormones, and antibiotics that are found in regular meat and non-organic fruits and veggies. We weren't following that same step originally, so we are making that change now. I have also been making my own sauces and seasonings to cut out processed foods and preservatives. Next will come the gym. I have a good friend that I have to motivate me here as well. I can't wait!

I'm very excited when I think of my life in a month or two and can see myself accomplishing these goals. I've proven to myself that I can work hard for things I want and I want that to inspire me to carry that over to all aspects of my life. I hope you are excited to share in my journey!

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