Sunday, February 23, 2014

Prepping Sunday

I love Sunday. Well, I love Saturday too. They feel like a warm hug. Especially now that they mean that I get to spend the ENTIRE day with my girl and her daddy. But, despite Sunday being Monday eve, it has it's own special feeling.

In the research that I've done to prepare myself for this life change I saw a tip that I thought was genius. It was a "why didn't I think of that" moment. Prepping. Sunday is prep day. Prep your veggies and sides for the week. You then have easy access to all you need. No more excuses of no time, or laziness. Duh. 

I was so proud of our grocery cart (buggy) today. We usually go to The Fresh Market on Atlantic by San Pablo after church. Today we had a different schedule and we were on the southside when it came to g-store shopping. So we decided to swing by Native Sun. I was less than impressed and missed TFM! Maybe they don't get as much traffic in their produce section? They had a nice selection. However, it all seemed like it had been sitting there for awhile and would go bad before we got home. They did not have a meat or a deli section either. They do have a really great natural medicine area. I've been many times just for that and have found everything I was looking for. Back to the point. Even our buggy at Publix made me smile. We stuck to the perimeter of the store and had an entire cart of GOOD food. Clean food. I just hope it was enough for the week. We came under our food budget and we've been going over the last couple weeks. 

So, you may be wondering what I prepped. I always make my menu for the week, then my grocery list before we head out to go shopping (usually the day or night before). I wanted to prep my breakfast, dinner veggies, and dinner sides for the week. I cooked my spinach, quinoa and brown rice, zuccini and squash, and prepped my green beans and green peppers for the week. Again, I hope that is enough for the week. We'll see. Whatever I miss I will make adjustments for the next week. 

Cheers to a healthy week! :)


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