Saturday, May 26, 2012

12 weeks = major mile stones

Little baby Butrimas...sucking her thumb perhaps? 

Tech said 70/30 GIRL...looks like pac-man to me! Thoughts?

Blurry bathroom pic? Yes. But when your best friend asks for a belly pic, you stop what you're doing, go to the bathroom, and click ;).  

Wow, 12 weeks already! I just can't believe how much has happened just over these last two weeks. For starters, look at that belly! Showing - sort of a "pop" as the girls on my secret FB page like to call it. Then there is, well, the baby. Last time we saw her (yes, I will be referring to baby as her from now on...unless we find a growth has happened on the next u/s ;)) she was just a little nugget. Big head, blob for a body and the size of a fig or something. We're up to a peach now! It says 11cm on the sonogram. That's 4.5 inches!!!! Holy cow!

We had our NT scan on Friday. This is to test for a bunch of different chromosomal disorders, including Downs. Even though we are not at risk for any of them, I think it's standard practice at most offices unless you're just against all testing. Our view is it's better to find out sooner than later. We'd like to have more time to prep, research and prepare if we need to. So the scan was an ultrasound and a finger prick. After I read more about the NT scan, I was really nervous to get it done. There are a lot of false positives, and the results aren't even 90% accurate. So I just focused on seeing the baby again. I was really excited to see her again on the screen because I knew she would look like a baby, finally. (Everything looked normal, thankfully.)

So we got in the room and the tech put the (surprisingly) warm jelly on my belly and started scanning away. [Now, I'm not sure if you remember, but the 1st time I went through this, all I could do was laugh. It was bad, and we didn't get to see much. So all I could think was "please don't laugh". I was really calm though.] We saw our baby! She was really still, and it scared me at 1st, I thought there might be something wrong. It turned out she was just sleeping :). Once the tech had to jab the wand into my belly she woke up and started moving. When we saw her sort of sit up, and then rub her eye I lost it. She was moving her hands and feet...acting like a real baby. It was amazing. Bron and I were just beaming with joy.

Bron let the tech know that we were really excited to find out the gender if she can tell this early. So when she was done with her measurements and showing us the baby moving all around, she moved the wand and I saw two legs...I knew what was coming next and I got really anxious! She said, "well, it might be too early, but it looks like you're having a little girl". My eyes welled up again and Bron was smiling so big. He said "so, would you say like 60/40?" The tech said, "I'd probably say more like 70/30". She reminded us that this was not to go out and paint the walls pink or buy anything gender specific, but that it was a pretty accurate guess. She saved the picture for us, so that we could say down the line that we found out at 12 weeks, as long as nothing grows down there ;). 

She printed about 6 pictures and showed us to the next waiting room. Of course I was still trying to pull myself together as we sat down. After waiting, texting, and looking at all our photos again it was finger prickin' time. Finger pricks aren't bad though. She got a lot of blood from it. She put like 5-6 quarter-sized circles on a piece of paper. I found this very strange. I can only guess that they look at it under a microscope when they get it at the lab.

So there you have it, our most exciting appointment yet. And, from what I hear, it only gets better from here. This is truly an amazing blessing and experience that I am grateful for every day. 

How far along? 12 weeks 
Total weight gain: They didn't weigh me at the appt. and every time I weigh myself here it's the same. So I'm sticking with 3 lbs still. 
Maternity clothes? Yes. I bought some hideous pants at Destination Maternity last Monday. They are capri's for work that look like my butt is in a parachute. (I guess I should add that they looked cute the 2 minutes I had them on in the dressing room. I'm hoping I'll grow into them.) I also got a cute skirt and two tops from Target. I'll be working to expand. I'm looking forward to H&M opening up soon in the Avenues. They have some cute maternity clothes on their website - and they're cheap! 
Stretch marks? No
Sleep: It's alright. A bit uncomfortable.  
Best moment this week: See the novel above ;). 
Miss Anything? Hmm, I can't really think of anything this week. Well, except my mom. She's planning a trip in a few weeks though, don't you worry. 
Food cravings: I've had a lot of different cravings this week. Many that I haven't been able to fulfill because they aren't very specific. But I had Chili's for lunch yesterday and it was the most amazing meal I've had at Chili's (& I didn't even have queso!)...I think it was the carbs haha. 
Anything making you queasy or sick: Some meats. I also get pretty queasy in the AM when I'm getting ready. Usually right after the shower. I get too hot. 
Have you started to show yet: A little more, yes. 
Gender prediction: GIRL! 
Belly Button in or out? In 
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy :)
Looking forward to: Planning & shopping more, feeling kicks and picking names. 

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